日 時 |
: 2009年12月8日(火) 9:45〜17:50 (受付9:30〜) |
会 場 |
: 東京コンファレンスセンター・品川 4F 406  |
主 催 |
: 株式会社 インフォトレンズ |
協 賛 |
: DigiLabs |
メディアスポンサー |
: 株式会社フォトマーケット |
: ニュープリンティング株式会社 |
: 写真映像経営者協会(JPEA International) |
: 写真速報社 |
プレスリリース |
: デジタルイメージング(DI) コンファレンス2009 開催 [PDF:135KB] |
参加費 |
: 69,800円(73,290円税込)
- テキスト、コーヒーキオスク、昼食代が含まれます。
- 2009年12月1日以降のキャンセルはお受けできません。
- 申込み確認後、請求書を発行させていただきます。
定 員 |
: 70名 先着順とさせていただきます。満席の際はご了承ください。 |
講 師 |
: インフォトレンズ アナリスト
Ed Lee, Group Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
David Haueter, Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends(PPT)
and Photo Merchandise Trends Services(PMT)
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Imaging Trends Service
: ゲストスピーカー
Chanan Steinhart, CEO of DigiLabs |
申 込 |
: 下記お申込フォームより参加お申込いただけます。 |

受付開始(9:30) |
9:45 |
開催にあたって(連絡事項など) |
10:20 |
1. |
Ed Lee, Group Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
InfoTrends State-of-the-Market Address
The digital photography market is at a crossroads. The old business of photography is struggling as digital camera sales decline and photo printing matures. Imaging vendors and retailers are searching for new opportunities that will mark the launch of the new business of photography. This brave new world will revolve around connected experiences, where many of the new players will be from non-traditional photography companies. Decisions are being made now that will determine who the early mover advantage goes to. This opening session will present InfoTrends’ view of the industry, discuss market directions, and provide a snapshot of potential future market opportunities. |
11:00 |
2. |
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Imaging Trends Service
The Connected Experience
The digital imaging ecosystem is no longer a collection of discrete processes. Capture, store, view, and share have become connected activities, enabling consumers to access their collection of digital content (photo and video) from a variety of devices, in any place and at any time. This session will explore the connected consumer experience, including an overview of solutions from the photo, electronics, and mobile industries, and InfoTrends' estimates of the size of the opportunities for the U.S. market. |
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break 展示ブースをご覧いただけます |
3. |
成熟市場におけるデジタル写真: 米国および欧州のユーザートレンドと予測
Ed Lee, Group Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
Digital Photography in Maturing Markets: U.S. and European Consumer Usage Trends and Forecasts
The United States and Western Europe remain the two leading markets for digital photography. Together they still account for over 50% of camera sales. Both regions are experiencing economic difficulties and maturing markets. Vendors in these market need to decide what future directions to take. To do this they must understand market trends and consumer behaviors. Topics covered in this session include: How are consumer behaviors changing in each region? Can digital camera sales be reignited again? How important are new camera features? What is the role of the retailer in the future?
12:20 |
4. |
Ed Lee, Group Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
A Snapshot of the Eastern European Digital Photography Market
The Eastern European market for digital photography remains largely untapped. This year, InfoTrends launched its first in-depth end user study of the Russian and Polish consumer photography markets. This session will present highlights from the study; particularly in areas of consumer demographics, digital camera ownership and usage, and photo printing. |
12:55 |
5. |
Ed Lee, Group Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
The U.S. Professional Photographer Opportunity
Professional photographers understand that the digital imaging market is still about photography at its core. For them it’s about taking a great picture and ultimately selling it for a profit. Cameras, software, and services are just tools for the job. Nevertheless, they are very important tools. Imaging vendors seeking new profit opportunities would be wise not to ignore the pro market. During this session we will highlight some of the important behavioral changes that have occurred recently and discuss some of the challenges and opportunities facing professional photographers today. |
12:55 - 13:50 Lunch |
14:20 |
6. |
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Imaging Trends Service
Digital Imaging Trends Among Young Adults
The combination of a mature market and a slow economy is making 2009 a difficult year for digital imaging vendors and retailers, but there is at least one notable bright spot. Young adults, age 18-24, are more active in nearly all areas of photography than other demographic groups. This session will examine data from several InfoTrends U.S. consumer end user studies with special focus on this important segment and the role that photography plays in their lives. |
15:05 |
7. |
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Imaging Trends Service
Consumer Trends in Online Photo Sharing:
The Convergence of Social Networks and Online Photo Services
There are more options than ever before for consumers who want to share their photos online. Hundreds of millions of photos are shared each month on social networking sites, where output opportunities are generally limited. Online photo services, on the other hand, produce billions of prints each year, along with countless other custom photo gifts and merchandise, but lack many of the social features that attract users for sharing and viewing. This session will present highlights of InfoTrends’ 2009 U.S. research covering consumers’ use of social networking sites (with an emphasis on photo sharing activities) and more traditional online photo services. |
15:25 |
8. |
家庭での4番目の写真用スクリーン - デジタルフォトフレーム
Ed Lee, Group Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
The Fourth Screen in the House - Digital Photo Frames
Looking at pictures has always been a favorite family pastime. The most popular methods used to be prints and slide shows. While the behaviors have not changed, the viewing methods have. Now more than ever consumers have choices. Viewing of photos today can be done on the many screens in the home: computers, televisions, digital picture frames, and even mobile phones. A battle for eyeballs in the home is underway. Many questions are arising. Which methods will be most popular and how where do digital photo frames fit? Will Digital Photo Frames rise to the top of the viewing chain and what will it take to take the product category to the top? This session will provide valuable insights into the U.S. digital photo frame market including forecast estimates, end user insights and future product trends. |
15:45 |
9. |
Chanan Steinhart, CEO of DigiLabs
How is the combination of digital printing and digital photography changing the printing world as we knew it?
Once upon a time, Photo was about “film capsules” dropped at retail and 4x6 prints picked up a few days later. Printing was about businesses creating and ordering long run, offset printed materials, heavy in professional design and manual workflow, and only large and established publishers could publish books. The combination of digital camera and the digital printing have changed this forever. And it is has just begun… |
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee Break 展示ブースをご覧いただけます |
16:45 |
10. |
デジタル写真印刷とプリンター: 関係性の保持
David Haueter, Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends(PPT)
and Photo Merchandise Trends Services(PMT)
Digital Photo Prints and Printers: Keeping It Relevant
Photo prints do not provide the steady source of revenue they once did, but there are still opportunities for growth in this market. The value of the photo print as a method for preserving and archiving photos will be a key marketing message that vendors must communicate if they wish to maintain and grow their print business. This session will give an overview of the digital photo print market in the U.S., including home and retail photo printing hardware. It will present findings from recent InfoTrends consumer surveys, share InfoTrends most up-to-date forecast data, and look at the factors that will impact the market over the next few years. |
17:40 |
11. |
David Haueter, Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends(PPT)
and Photo Merchandise Trends Services(PMT)
Photo Books, Calendars, and Cards: From Niche to Mainstream
The Photo Merchandise market has given new revenue opportunities to vendors and retailers that once relied on photo prints to sustain their business. This session will give an overview of the photo merchandise market in the U.S. (specifically for photo books, cards, calendars and specialty prints), present findings from recent InfoTrends consumer surveys, as well as look at the factors that will influence the market over the next few years. InfoTrends most up-to-date forecast data will also be shared. |
17:40 |
Questions and Answers (Q&A),アンケート記入,連絡事項 |
Closing - 終了(17:50) |
>> ご参考: DI JAPAN 2007 l DI JAPAN 2008
インフォトレンズ アナリストプロフィール
Ed Lee
Group Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
David Haueter
David Haueter, Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends(PPT) and Photo Merchandise Trends Services(PMT)
Alan Bullock
Associate Director, Internet Imaging Trends Service
Chanan Steinhart
CEO of DigiLabs
Steinhart is CEO and a founder of DigiLabs, a leading software publisher of digital imaging applications. Throughout his career, Steinhart has been on the forefront of emerging technologies. In 1993, Steinhart founded an award-winning publisher of CD-ROM software. In 1996, Steinhart transitioned the publishing entity into a leading ecommerce business that subsequently was acquired in 2000. This was soon followed up with the creation of DigiLabs, which has become recognized as a leading publisher of photo products authoring applications. Partners and customers include: Xerox, HP Indigo, Fuji-Xerox, Kodak, and Fuji Film USA, as well as hundreds of printers and some of the largest photo labs and retailers worldwide.
- お申込み受付後、請求書をお送り致します。参加費用は請求書受領日の翌月末日までに請求書記載の指定銀行口座へお振り込み下さいますようお願い致します。
- 振込手数料はお客様のご負担でお願い申し上げます。
- 参加申し込みのキャンセルはお受けできませんので、当日不都合の場合は代理の方のご出席をお願い致します。また参加費用の返却はいたしかねますのであらかじめご了承下さい。代理の方なしで当日欠席された方には後日テキストをお送りさせていただきます。
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