「キーポイントインテリジェンス AI ウェビナーを2024年8月2日(金)に開催します。


Keypoint Intelligence AI Webinar will be held on Friday, August 2, 2024.

AI Revolution in Print and Document Solutions
: Navigating Trends, Regulations, and Opportunities

人工知能が印刷・ドキュメントソリューション業界に与える変革の影響を探る、Keypoint Intelligenceの限定ウェビナーにご参加ください。


▽Keypoint Intelligence独自のAI調査と準備度評価から得られた主な知見
さらに、Keypoint Intelligenceの新しいAIアドバイザリーサービスが、急速に進化するこの分野で一歩先を行くための継続的なサポートと洞察をどのように提供できるかをご体験ください。

Join Keypoint Intelligence for an exclusive webinar that explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence on the print and document solutions industry. This comprehensive seminar brings together expert analysts and industry leaders to provide you with cutting-edge insights, data-driven analysis, and strategic guidance on leveraging AI to revolutionize your business operations.
From emerging trends and real-world implementations to regulatory updates and competitive landscapes, this webinar covers aspects of AI in our sector.
You'll gain valuable knowledge on:
We hope this conference will help you in your future business strategy. We look forward to seeing you online.

Key Topics
▼ Latest AI trends reshaping workflow efficiency and document security
▽ Key findings from our proprietary AI survey and readiness assessments
▼ Navigating the evolving AI regulatory landscape
▽ Mapping the ecosystem of key players and solutions in AI
▼ Interactive polling to benchmark your AI journey against industry peers
Plus, discover how Keypoint Intelligence's new AI Advisory service can provide you with ongoing support and insights to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving field.


日   時

Date / Hour

2024年8月2日(金) 9時00分-11時00分 (8:50よりzoomに入室いただけます)

:Friday, August 2, 2024 / 9:00am -11:00pm JST(Zoom will open around 8:50am)




: 無料  Free
All presentations will be in English and no interpretation will be provided.

講   師 : 
  • Anne Anne Valaitis
    Principal Analyst, Artificial Intelligence,Keypoint Intelligence

  • LisaLisa Brown
    Principal Analyst, Keypoint Intelligence

  • WestWest McDonald
    the founder of GoWest.aiLisa

    West McDonald, the founder of GoWest.ai and a respected figure in many technology solutions channels as a go-to AI resource, is recognized for his advocacy and contributions to helping businesses use AI solutions to solve real business and workflow challenges across all departments. West's passion for AI-driven innovation is evident in his efforts to push the limits of technology, inspiring a culture of learning and excellence among his peers.
    McDonald has extensively covered topics helping business leaders to move beyond the "30,000 foot overview" of AI that is typical, such as helping clients through vetted AI readiness assessment training, the integration of functional AI solutions, ensuring AI safety in the workplace, and the evolving role of technology in business. His insights have been showcased in notable publications like The Imaging Channel Magazine, ENX Magazine, OPI Magazine, to name a few.
    As a prominent speaker on AI and business, West has captivated audiences at major events like the Global Big Data Conference, ITExpo, BTA National, FP Mailing, the Executive Connection Summit, among others, sharing his profound knowledge on business automation solutions powered by AI. His ability to present actionable strategies for leveraging AI has empowered business leaders and their teams to enhance operational efficiency and unlock new opportunities for growth.



プログラム Program

Zoom入室開始 8:50 open at 8:50


Welcome and Introductions



Speaker: Anne Valaitis

主席アナリストのAnne Valaitisが、印刷・ドキュメントソリューション業界に革命をもたらす最新のAIトレンドをご紹介します。このセッションでは、人工知能がどのようにワークフローの効率を再構築し、ドキュメントのセキュリティを強化し、印刷管理のイノベーションを推進しているかを明らかにします。Anneは、この急速に進化する状況の中で、お客様のビジネスオペレーションを一変させる新たなテクノロジーに関する専門的な洞察を提供し、お客様がアドヴァンテージを得るお手伝いをします。


AI-Driven Transformation in Print and Document Solutions
Speaker: Anne Valaitis

Discover the latest AI trends revolutionizing the print and document solutions industry with Anne Valaitis, our Principal Analyst. This session will unveil how artificial intelligence is reshaping workflow efficiency, enhancing document security, and driving innovation in print management. Anne will provide exclusive insights into emerging technologies that are set to transform your business operations, helping you stay ahead in this rapidly evolving landscape.



Speaker: Lisa Brown

主席アナリストのLisa Brownが、専門的なAI準備状況調査から得られた結果をご紹介します。AIソリューションの導入率、投資の優先順位、同業他社が直面している課題などについての、貴重な洞察を得ることができます。このデータ主導のセッションでは、業界標準に照らしてAI戦略を追求し、市場スペースにおける未開拓のビジネスチャンスを発見するための知識を得ることができます。


High-level findings from the AI survey
Speaker: Lisa Brown

Dive into the minds of industry leaders as Lisa Brown, Principal Analyst presents key findings from our comprehensive AI Readiness survey. Gain valuable insights into adoption rates, investment priorities, and the challenges faced by your peers in implementing AI solutions. This data-driven session will equip you with knowledge to pursue your AI strategy against industry standards and identify untapped opportunities in the market space.



Speaker:West McDonald

GoWest.aiの専門家「ゲストアナリスト」であるWest McDonaldが、印刷とドキュメントのワークフローにおける実際のAI実装について深く掘り下げます。West氏は、幅広い評価を基に、成功事例、よくある落とし穴、AIイニシアチブを左右するベストプラクティスを紹介します。この有益なセッションで、大手企業がどのようにAIを活用して業務を合理化し、コストを削減し、顧客体験を向上させているかを学ぶことができます。


Key findings from AI Readiness assessments
Speaker:West McDonald

Join West McDonald, our expert “guest analyst” from GoWest.ai, for an in-depth exploration of real-world AI implementations in print and document workflows. Drawing from extensive assessments, West will share success stories, common pitfalls, and best practices that can make or break your AI initiatives. Learn how leading organizations are leveraging AI to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer experiences in this informative session.



Speaker:Anne Valaitis



Regulatory updates related to AI
Speaker:Anne Valaitis

Stay ahead of the curve with Anne's overview of the evolving AI regulatory landscape. This crucial session will highlight recent and upcoming regulations that could impact your AI strategy, covering key areas such as data privacy, ethical AI use, and compliance requirements. Arm yourself with the knowledge to navigate the complex intersection of innovation and regulation in AI.

  9:55-10:00 Break


Speaker: Anne Valaitis & West McDonald

West McDonaldの専門家による分析で、AIの競争環境を探ります。本セッションでは、業界におけるAI革命を推進するイノベーターと既存プレーヤーにスポットを当てます。各社が提供する主要製品、市場でのポジショニング、戦略的方向性について貴重な洞察を得ることができます。パートナーをお探しの方、競合をお探しの方、あるいは単に市場ダイナミクスを理解したい方、このセッションは印刷およびドキュメントソリューションにおけるAIエコシステムをマッピングするための入り口です。(印刷ベンダーの例を含むデータを追加:ゼロックス、その他)


Key players and solutions in AI
Speaker: Anne Valaitis & West McDonald

Explore the competitive landscape of AI with West McDonald’s expert analysis. This session will spotlight the innovators and established players driving the AI revolution in our industry. Gain valuable insights into their key offerings, market positioning, and strategic directions. Whether you're looking to partner, compete, or simply understand the market dynamics, this session is your gateway to mapping the AI ecosystem in print and document solutions. (add in data that includes some examples of print vendors; xerox, others)

  10:10-10:15 Q&A


Speaker:Anne Valaitis

Anne Valaitisが主導するダイナミックでインタラクティブなセッションに参加しませんか?このユニークな機会を通じて、同業他社との比較、課題の共有、業界動向に関するリアルタイムの洞察を得ることができます。ご参加いただくことで、ご自身の戦略のための貴重なデータが得られるだけでなく、印刷およびドキュメントソリューションの未来を形作るAIの役割について、より幅広い理解に貢献することができます。


Polling Question with Audience
Speaker:Anne Valaitis  

Engage in a dynamic, interactive session led by Anne, where your voice shapes the conversation. This unique opportunity allows you to benchmark your AI journey against peers, share challenges, and gain real-time insights into industry trends. Your participation will not only provide valuable data for your own strategy but also contribute to a broader understanding of AI's role in shaping the future of print and document solutions.

  10:30 - 10:35   Break


キーポイントインテリジェンス AI年間コンサルティングサービス
Speaker:Anne Valaitis & Lisa Brown

ウェビナーの最後に、Keypoint Intelligenceは最先端のAIアドバイザリー・サービスを発表します。一次調査、分析、ベンダーインサイトなど、弊社の専門的なサービスが、AI戦略の開始や推進にどのように役立つかを解説いたします。また、当社の専門チームとパートナーシップを組むことで、印刷およびドキュメントソリューションにAIを活用する際の競争力をどのように高めることができるかをご紹介します。この機会をお見逃しなく、当社のカスタマイズされたサービスが、お客様独自のビジネス課題と機会にどのように対応できるかをご確認ください。


Keypoint Intelligence AI annual consulting service
Speaker:Anne Valaitis & Lisa Brown

Concluding our webinar, Keypoint will unveil our cutting-edge AI advisory service. Discover how our comprehensive offering − including primary research, analysis, and vendor insights can help initiate or propel an AI strategy. Learn how partnering with our expert team can provide you with a competitive edge in leveraging AI for print and document solutions. Don't miss this opportunity to explore how our tailored services can address your unique business challenges and opportunities.

  10:45 - 11:00  Q&A, announcement
11:00 - Closing−閉会