今年のコンファレンスでもうひとつ注目すべき点はソリューション型販売市場です。ユーザーにとっては、何を買うかではなく、何の利益をもたらすか?という点が重要となってきています。そこで、Managed Print Service に代表されるサービスパッケージ型販売市場は今後どうなっていくのか。欧米からのゲストスピーカーも交えて解説させていただきます。
日 時 |
: 2008年7月31日(木)10:00-19:30(受付9:30〜) |
会 場 |
: 東京コンファレンスセンター・品川 4F 406  |
主 催 |
: 株式会社インフォトレンズ |
協 賛 |
: DocuWare  |
: iXware  |
メディアスポンサー |
: 株式会社OAライフ  |
プレスリリース |
: オフィスドキュメントテクノロジーコンファレンス開催[PDF:245KB] |
参加費 |
: 59,000円(61,950円税込)
- 英語の講演には逐次通訳(英→日)がつきます。
- テキスト、コーヒー/オレンジジュースなどソフトドリンク
- カクテルレセプションの参加費用も含みます。
- プリンター、複写機、FAX、スキャナー、MFPなどのオフィス機器 さらにはソリューション、ソフトウェア、コンテンツマネジメント に関するインフォトレンズ調査レポートを休憩時間にご覧いただくことができます。
- 2008年7月12日(土)以降のキャンセルはお受けできません。当日不都合の場合は恐れ入りますが代理の方のご出席をお願い申し上げます。
- 申込み確認後、請求書を発行させていただきます。
定 員 |
: 100名
- 先着順とさせていただきます。昨年のように満席の際はご了承ください。
講 師 |
: インフォトレンズ アナリスト
: ゲストスピーカー
Thomas Schneck
President of DocuWare AG
- Thomas Schneck serves as President of DocuWare AG and is responsible for the world-wide sales and marketing activities. After graduating from the University of Munich with a degree in business administration Thomas Schneck was an IT management consultant with KPMG in Frankfurt, Germany.
Thomas then joined DocuWare which was still in its founding days and has been heading the sales and marketing efforts since then. His key focus has been the setup and support of a world-wide network of Authorized DocuWare Partners. After spending the early nineties in Germany, Thomas moved to the US to focus on building the North and Latin American reseller network. Today, he shares his time between the US and Europe.
Jurgen Biffar
President of DocuWare AG(カクテルパーティにてご挨拶)
- Jurgen Biffar is co-founder of DocuWare and today responsible for finance and product in the DocuWare Group. Inspired by his parent's small enterprise he had the idea of archiving paper documents electronically. This was already in 1988 while Jurgen was just finishing his Business Administration studies at the University of Munich. Together with a fellow student he founded DocuWare in the same year.
Jurgen guided the company from a startup to a multi-national group in financial stability.
Since 1998, he is heading besides finance all technical departments of DocuWare, including product design and product development.
Frank Paul Bom
CEO, iXware International BV
- Prior to joining iXware as its CEO in 2001, Frank Paul Bom held senior management positions with IBM Global Services and Philips Electronics. Bom, who holds Canadian and Dutch citizenship, has degrees in International Political Science and Business Administration. Bom is a certified Management Consultant and serves on the boards of various privately held corporations, NGO’s and think tanks. At iXware, Bom is primarily focused on further international business development and strategic alliances.
詳細&申込 |
: お申込みフォームより参加お申込みいただけます。 |
受付開始(9:30) |
9:30- |
Registration |
10:00 |
開催挨拶 株式会社インフォトレンズ 代表取締役 前里慶一
Welcome Presentation
Speaker: Ken Maesato, Asia Pacific General Manager, InfoTrends |
10:10 |
オフィスドキュメントテクノロジー - ODT - 市場概況
Speaker: Jon Reardon, Group Director, Office Document Technology Services and Europe, InfoTrends
オフィス機器市場は著しく変化しています。 新技術、販売チャネル、ソリューション、サービスおよびその他の要因によって劇的な変化を遂げています。このセッションではオフィス市場を動かしている大きな流れを示しながら、どのような分野にビジネスチャンスがあり、成長分野がどこにあるか解説をいたします。
State of the Office Document Technology Industry
The office equipment market is experiencing significant changes. New technologies, channel plays, solutions and services, and outside forces are affecting the industry in a dramatic way. In this session, InfoTrends will review the megatrends that are disrupting our industry and discuss how transformation can lead to opportunity and growth. |
10:30 |
Speaker: Robert Palmer, Director for Digital Peripherals Solutions, InfoTrends
このセッションでは弊社の調査に基づいた欧米のプリンターおよび複写機(&MFP)市場分析・フォーキャストの解説をします。A3/A4、電子写真/インクジェット、カラー/モノクロ、および主なスピードセグメントで市場の活動をまとめたうえで、ハードウェア販売と収益の成長にどのような傾向があるのかを分析します。 プリンターと複写機が対等な立場である今日ではワークグループセグメントが注目をあびています。オフィスでのカラーの浸透性は?また、それがモノクロ機の売れ行きにどう影響するのか?ハードウェア価格の下落が続いている中で、機器メーカーは利益を確保するために何ができるか?また、何をすべきか?などについて解説します。
A Review of the U.S. & European Hardware Markets
This session provides a review of the U.S. & European printer and copier markets supported by InfoTrends’ forecasts and primary research. In addition to summarizing market activity by key segments, we will provide analysis on the key trends that are impacting hardware sales and revenue growth. All eyes are on the workgroup segment now that printers and copiers are fighting for equal footing. What is the outlook for color penetration in the office, and how will the transition impact sales of monochrome-only products? What can vendors do to sustain profitability as hardware prices continue to plummet? |
11:15 - 11:30
Coffee/Soft Drink Break 〜展示ブースをご覧いただけます〜 |
11:30 |
ソリューションの分岐点 - 2008年
Speaker: Randy Dazo, Director of Network Document Solutions and Dynamic Contents Software Strategies, InfoTrends
2008 - The Year of the Solutions Crossroads
InfoTrends has projected that solutions-led hardware revenue will account for more than half of total hardware revenues by the middle of 2008. Whether integrated or bundled, it is clear that solutions have become a driving force in the document imaging space. In fact, InfoTrends believes we are entering a period of fast-paced growth with solutions in the office equipment industry. If you are not selling solutions today or at least talking about them to your customers, your competition will have a competitive advantage. During this session, attendees will learn about players that are leading this wave of innovation, how industry pioneers have achieved success, and why this market is expected to fuel office productivity, technology spending, and top-line revenue growth well beyond 2012. |
12:15 |
Speaker: Thomas Schneck, President of DocuWare AG
Document Management: An exciting opportunity for office automation vendors
Document Management solutions is one the fastest growing businesses in the office automation market. This session will provide insight as to the components of a document management solution along with highlighting how an office automation vendor can successfully market these solutions. You will see real life case studies that profile the revenue potential of the document management software sale as well as its impact on selling professional services and hardware equipment, such as MFPs and scanners. In addition, the session will provide an overview about the go-to-market strategy of DocuWare dealers which has been deployed by office automation vendors around the world. |
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch
〜3階レストランにて〜 アナリストと食事もできますのでご希望の方はお申し付け下さい。 |
13:45 |
Speaker: Jon Bees, Director for Digital Peripherals Solutions, InfoTrends
ここ数年間にわたるオフィス機器市場で最も顕著な傾向の1つはA4サイズMFPが継続的に急増していることです。現在まで、この原動力は従来の複写機の市場に入り込もうとしているプリンターメーカーによって支えられてきました。しかし、複写機ベンダーはA4サイズMFPの価値を認識し、プリンターベンダーに対抗すべく取り組んできています。これは間違いなく市場でA4サイズの MFPの急増につながることになるでしょう。このセッションでは、そのような市場におけるA4MFPの影響を分析し、将来市場がどうなるのかの予測、およびその要因を解説いたします。
A4-Size MFPs Gain Further Traction
One of the most compelling trends in the office equipment industry over the last few years has been the continued proliferation of A4-size MFPs. Until now, this dynamic has been fueled by printer vendors attacking traditional copier segments; however, copier vendors have recognized the value proposition of A4-size MFPs and many are aggressively building out their own A4 programs. This will no doubt lead to increased penetration of A4-size multifunctional products up and down the market. In this session, InfoTrends will analyze the impact of A4 MFPs on the broader market and offer predictions for the future. |
14:30 |
Speaker:Frank Paul Bom, CEO, iXware International BV
From analog to digital:
how MFP vendors can seize the opportunity of a shifting fax market
The presentation focuses on market trends as they relate to faxing and goes on to demonstrate how MFP vendors are ideally positioned to capitalize on the opportunity of this shifting fax market. |
15:00 - 15:15
Coffee/Soft Drink Break 〜展示ブースをご覧いただけます〜 |
15:15 |
勢いにのるインクジェット技術 〜衝撃から実用へ〜
Speaker: Robert Palmer, Director for Digital Peripherals Solutions, InfoTrends
昨年のコンファレンスでは、オフィス向けカラー機器市場(電子写真機器)に衝撃を与えうるHP Edgeline, Memjet, ブラザー社などに代表される新しいインクジェット技術の可能性について発表しました。ローコストでカラープリント可能なインクジェットは、オフィス市場のユーザーにとっては魅力的な機器とうつっているでしょう。もちろん、課題はまだまだありますが…インクジェットの祭典とも言われた展示会Drupa2008が終了した今、インクジェットの飛躍はどうなっているのか?昨年から今年にかけて、インクジェット機器の伸びはどうなっているのか?また、近未来は… アナリストが最新分析を基に解説します。
Ink-Based Technology Gains Momentum
At last year’s conference, InfoTrends discussed the potential for ink-based technologies to disrupt the office color printing market. The inkjet imaging platform offers a number of compelling attributes to address the barriers that are limiting the penetration of color in the office. Namely, ink-based systems could deliver color at lower operating costs, which is without question the leading customer concern when it comes to the production of color pages. As a result, ink-based technologies will gain further traction in the office in 2008. In this session, InfoTrends will explore the market drivers for ink-based technology adoption and present recent market forecast data. |
16:15 - 16:30
Coffee/Soft Drink Break 〜展示ブースをご覧いただけます〜 |
16:30 |
分散型スキャニングの将来: MFP vs. 単体スキャナーの転換点
Speaker: Anne Valaitis, Associate Director for Image Scanning Trends Consulting Service, InfoTrends
The Future of Distributed Scanning - The MFP vs. Scanner Tipping Point
As workflow solutions begin to play a greater role in the office environment, scanning and scanner technology are becoming vital elements for knowledge workers. InfoTrends believes this will create a new market dynamic, pitting MFP solutions against standalone ones. The only question is, who will capture the capture market? In this session InfoTrends will discuss the impact of changing customer needs on MFP and scanner vendors, as well as the resulting opportunities and challenges. |
17:15 |
Speaker: Jon Bees, Director for Digital Peripherals Solutions, InfoTrends
State of the Dealer Channel
During this session, InfoTrends will present primary research findings on the state of the dealer channel. Research results will span the US and European markets offering a comparison and contrast across the geographies. We will examine the business metrics of dealerships including product mix and profitability plans for hardware, software, and services. |
18:00 |
Q&A, feedback & Announcements from InfoTrends |
18:15 |
Cocktail Reception - Vendor Reception |
19:30 - Closing |