さらには、昨年発表したコンセプト:デジタルイメージングエコシステム〜撮影した写真をどうするのか?デジタル写真における、撮影、プリント、共有、保存といった一連のコンシューマの動向〜 のさらに進化系を紹介・解説する予定です。
日 時 |
: 2008年12月9日(火) 9:45〜17:50 (受付9:15〜) |
会 場 |
: 東京コンファレンスセンター・品川 4F 406  |
主 催 |
: 株式会社 インフォトレンズ |
参加費 |
: 59,000円(61,950円税込)
- テキスト、コーヒーキオスク、昼食代が含まれます。
- 2008年11月22日以降のキャンセルはお受けできません。当日不都合の場合は恐れ入りますが代理の方のご出席をお願い申し上げます。
- 申込み確認後、請求書を発行させていただきます。
定 員 |
: 80名 先着順とさせていただきます。満席の際はご了承ください。 |
講 師 |
: インフォトレンズ アナリスト
Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services Group
Mette Eriksen, Director, Digital Photography Trends US & Europe (DPT & DPTE)
David Haueter, Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Imaging Trends |
申 込 |
: 下記お申込フォームより参加お申込いただけます。 |

受付開始(9:15) |
9:45 |
開催挨拶 |
9:55 |
1. |
Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services Group
The Digital Imaging Market: At a Crossroads
The digital photography market is approaching a crossroads. Imaging vendors and retailers are on the lookout for new opportunities that will inject renewed growth into the market. Do we continue straight ahead on the current traditional photography path? Do we turn right toward a world of connected experiences or do we turn left to explore the unknown? Decisions need to be made now that will affect the long-term future of the industry. This opening session will present InfoTrends’ view of the market and discuss potential future market directions, opportunities, and growth areas. |
10:35 |
2. |
経済概況 ― デジタルイメージング市場への影響
Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services Group
The Economy
The world economies are in a state of turmoil. The question is how will this affect consumer spending in the area of digital imaging. Will the holiday season be a boom or bust and what will happen in 2009? This session will present InfoTrends’ viewpoint of the economy and its impact on the digital imaging market. |
10:55 - 11:10 Coffee Break |
11:10 |
3. |
Ed Lee, Director: Consumer Imaging Services Group
Industry Consolidation - What does the future look like?
11:40 |
4. |
成熟期のデジタルカメラ市場において成長していくには― 市場予測とコンシューマのトレンド
Mette Eriksen, Director, Digital Photography Trends US & Europe (DPT & DPTE)
Mature Digital Camera Market - Market Forecast and Consumer Usage Trends
2007 saw a surprising growth spurt in digital cameras driven largely by a healthy replacement market. 2008 heralds the emergence of a mature market where growth will be limited to single digits for the first time since digital cameras entered the consumer market in the late 1990s. Manufacturers continue to develop and implement new technology with the aim to grow volume sales and market share. New and relevant technology matched to photo active and photo interested consumer segments is likely to be a winning formula. InfoTrends will address some of the key user segments and compare and contrast their behaviors. Consumer data will be supplemented with forecast data to give a complete overview of the North American digital camera market in 2008 and beyond. |
12:30 |
5. |
Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services Group
The Consumer DSLR Market
The digital SLR segment is the fastest growing segment in the digital camera market. Photo enthusiasts make up the majority of owners today, but family memory keeper are entering the market. This session will review highlights of InfoTrends latest multi-client study on consumer DSLR owners. |
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch |
14:00 |
6. |
Mette Eriksen, Director, Digital Photography Trends US & Europe (DPT & DPTE)
Exploring the Role of Video in Consumers’ Photo Universe
Point and shoot digital cameras have included video capability for many years. The ability to upload videos to online photo sharing sites has helped drive consumer interest in video. This session will explore the likely impact that camcorders may have on the digital camera market. During the discussion we will also address the use of video on P&S cameras and how the imaging ecosystem is being developed for greater consumer interaction with video. |
14:20 |
7. |
Mette Eriksen, Director, Digital Photography Trends US & Europe (DPT & DPTE)
David Haueter: Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends (PPT)
What are Consumers Doing?
Over the years InfoTrends has conducted numerous surveys on how consumers are embracing digital photography. End user data helps InfoTrends analysts to better understand changing consumer behaviors and emerging consumer segments. This session will build up a picture of some of the most important photo active segments and discuss their behaviors relating to capture, share, and print. |
15:10 |
8. |
David Haueter: Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends (PPT)
Digital Photo Printing: Present and Future
Photo prints continue to generate billions of dollars in revenue and play a strategic role in the digital imaging ecosystem. This session will give a detailed look into the state of the digital photo printing market, including market size and forecast data as well as insight into the roles that retail, online and home printing will play in the overall market. Key findings from InfoTrends' consumer surveys will also be presented, which give insight into the changing consumer behaviors that may impact the photo printing market over the next several years. |
16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break |
16:15 |
9. |
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Image Trends (IIT)
The Changing Face of Online Photo Sharing
The pioneers of the industry are no longer at the top of most lists of popular online photo sharing sites. Find out which sites consumers are using and why, as InfoTrends presents highlights from recent research on the use of online photo services, our forecast for future activity, and a look at the migration of sharing activity from traditional photo sites to social networks, communities, and other less print-centric destinations. |
17:05 |
10. |
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Image Trends (IIT)
フォトグッズ市場の出現と成長は、伝統的な写真の現像量がこの数年で減っていくのが見込まれる中、現像業者にとって深刻な危機を与えています。この急速に発展する市場を牽引しているのがデジタル写真、デジタルプリント技術、そして電子産業、またソーシャルサイトの発展です。今日、コンシューマにとって、バラエティに富んだ作成ツールのコンテンツを利用して個々の個性を生かした写真商品やギフトを作成し、ただの4” x 6”プリントに付加価値をつけることが、今までになく簡単になってきています。このセッションではインフォトレンズのフォトグッズ市場調査からポイントをご紹介し、写真市場へ今後数年どのような影響をもたらすか解説いたします。
Photo Merchandise - Adding Value to Photo Content
The emergence and growth of the photo merchandise market comes at a critical time for the photofinishing industry, as traditional photo print volume is expected to decline over the next few years. This fast-growing market has been fueled by the explosion of digital photos, digital printing technologies, and e-commerce, as well as the growth in social networking. Today, it is easier than ever for consumers to use content from a variety of sources to create photo products and gifts that express their personality and provide value beyond a 4” x 6” print. This session will present key findings from InfoTrends research into the photo merchandise market, and discuss how it will impact the photo market over the next few years. |
17:35 |
Questions and Answers (Q&A),アンケート記入,連絡事項 |
Closing - 終了(17:50) |
インフォトレンズ アナリストプロフィール
- お申し込みを受付け後、請求書と郵便局の払込取扱票をお送り致します。参加費用はコンファレンス前日までに郵便局に払込みいただくか、請求書の指定銀行口座へお振り込み下さいますようお願い致します。
- 振込手数料に関して:郵便局をご利用の場合は弊社負担、銀行でのお振込みの場合はお客様のご負担でお願い申し上げます。
- 参加申し込みのキャンセルはお受けできませんので、当日不都合の場合は代理の方のご出席をお願い致します。また参加費用の返却はいたしかねますのであらかじめご了承下さい。代理の方なしで当日欠席された方には後日テキストをお送りさせていただきます。
〒150-0012 東京都渋谷区広尾1-3-18広尾オフィスビル10F
Tel: 03-5475-2663 Fax: 03-5475-2710
Email: e-mail 担当: 水村
参考:Digital Image コンファレンス2007