10:00〜17:40(受付9:30〜) |
10:00 |
開催にあたって(連絡事項など) |
10:25 |
1. |
John Shane, Director, Communication Supplies
- カラー対モノクロの傾向
- 使用機器
- 純正品対 Aftermarket (サードパーティ)品
- 雇用拡大と印刷ボリュームの成長
Ongoing impact of the recession on print volumes and supplies
The recession has impacted digital printing, print volumes and supplies in many ways. This session will provide insight into both the short term and long term impacts from recession on supplies with a view towards adoption of color printing, machine types used, the ongoing competition between OEM and aftermarket supplies. It will also look at how InfoTrends views the prospects of print recovering as the economy improves into 2010 and 2011.
Short term and longer term impacts of the recession on supplies
- Impact on color vs. B/W trend
- Impact on machine use
- Impact on OEM vs. aftermarket
- Employment growth and grow for print
10:55 |
2. |
John Shane, Director, Communication Supplies
- 印刷ボリューム
- 純正品またはAftermarket(サードパーティ)品の使われ方
- 様々な供給チャネルにおける勝者と敗者
- ページあたりの平均コスト
MPS impact on supplies
Managed print services are emerging as a both a threat and an opportunity for vendors with interests in the supplies marketplace. This session will explore how InfoTrends expects MSP to change the supplies marketplace in terms of impact on print volumes, the use of OEM or aftermarket supplies, winners and losers among the different distribution channels and how MPS will impact how users print. It will also suggest strategies for taking advantage of MPS as an opportunity and not just a threat to the supplies market.
How will MPS Impact supplies?
- Reduced print volume?
- OEM vs. aftermarket?
- Distribution Channels?
- Average Cost per page?
10:55 - 11:10 Coffee Break (展示ブースをご覧いただけます) |
11:55 |
3. |
John Shane, Director, Communication Supplies
- 純正品とコンパチのエコへの取り組み
- リユース/リサイクル、カートリッジ回収
- バイオトナー
- エコプログラムのキーポイント
Ongoing focus on Green
Even in our current recession, market and industry pressures to offer green supplies programs and products has never been more intense. This session review the current extent of green supplies programs among OEM and aftermarket suppliers and the responses in the aftermarket.
- OEM and aftermarket efforts to be green
- Reuse/recycle, cartridge collections
- Bio-toner
- Key elements for a green supplies program
12:55 |
4. |
2008年〜2013年: 米国・西ヨーロッパにおける稼働台数、プリントボリュームおよびサプライ(トナー・インクなど)の市場予測
Andrew Carroll, Senior Consultant, European Communication Supplies
- 2013年までの稼働台数、印刷ボリューム、サプライの予測
- ページプリンタ、コピー、MFP、インクジェット
- オフィスvs. プロダクション
- 白黒対カラー
- トナー、デベロッパ、感光体、EPカートリッジ、インクジェットカートリッジ
US/WE IB, PV and Supplies Forecasts 2008-2013
This session will provide a review of the supplies market forecast for the US and W. Europe beginning with the installed base of machines trends, print volume and demand for supplies by printers, copiers and MFPs. We will look at how color is expected to proceed as the economy improves, supplies in office and production environments, and of course, demand forecasts for toner, developer, photoreceptors and EP and inkjet cartridges.
- Installed base, print volume, supplies units and value forecast to 2013
- Page printer, copier, MFP and Inkjet
- Office vs. production
- B/W vs. color
- Toner, developer, photoreceptor, EP cartridges, Inkjet cartridges
12:55 - 14:00 Lunch |
14:20 |
5. |
ワールドワイド プリントボリューム・サプライ(トナー・インク)市場の見通し
John Shane, Director, Communication Supplies
WW PV/Supplies forecast
This session will look at InfoTrends world forecast for print volume and supplies with a broad view of B/W printing vs. color, laser vs. inkjet, single vs. multifunction and other key views.
- InfoTrends forecast of print volume and supplies for WW
- B/W vs. Color, EP vs. Inkjet,
- SF vs. MF
15:20 |
6. |
米国/西欧: 純正品対Aftermarket(サードパーティ)品/グローバルプレーヤー〜電子写真〜
Andrew Carroll, Senior Consultant, European Communication Supplies
- プリンタ対コピー
- カラー対白黒
- オフィス対プロダクション
- キープレーヤーとAftermarket(サードパーティ)品生産のトレンド
US/WE OEM vs. aftermarket / global players - Electrophotography
This session will provide detailed look at the current and expected situation in the competition between OEM and 3rd party aftermarket electrophotographic supplies. InfoTrends will look at aftermarket penetration into B/W vs. color, printer vs. copier, office vs. production and the trends and reasons behind the different results. Also included will be a review of the key players in the aftermarket and what changes have taken place in the past year for those global players.
Aftermarket share forecast, trends and issues for electrophotography
- Printer vs. copier
- Color vs. B/W
- Office vs. production
- Key players and aftermarket production trends
15:50 |
7. |
米国/西欧: 純正品対Aftermarket(サードパーティ)品/グローバルプレーヤー〜インクジェット〜
Andrew Carroll, Senior Consultant, European Communication Supplies
- 再生品 vs 新品
- 米国または西欧国内 vs 海外生産
- 即時リフィルのトレンド(while-you-wait refilling)
US/WE OEM vs. aftermarket / global players - Inkjet
This session will look at the current and future situation for OEM and 3rd party aftermarket inkjet refills and cartridges, looking at current market penetration of 3rd party supplies, their outlook and the factors impacting the trends in the future. We will look at domestic vs. overseas supply for the US and W. European market as well trends for refill/reman vs. new build supplies.
Aftermarket share forecast, trends and issues for desktop inkjet
- Reman vs. new build
- Domestic vs. overseas production
- Trend for while-you-wait refilling
15:50 - 16:05 Coffee Break (展示ブースをご覧いただけます) |
16:35 |
8. |
John Shane, Director, Communication Supplies
- 北米とヨーロッパの主要な製紙工場、使用されるペーパー種類のトレンド
- ハードウェアベンダーとサプライメーカーが最も知っておくべきペーパー使用のあらゆる変化
Paper trends update
This session will provide a quick update on trends in the paper market for digital printing including the main paper mills, changes in the kinds of papers people are using and other paper use changes that equipment and consumables vendors need to know about.
- US and European main paper mills, trends in types of papers used
- Any changes in paper use that hardware vendors and supplies manufactures most need to know
17:05 |
9. |
John Shane, Director, Communication Supplies
- プリント機器へのスマートチップの使用
- Aftermarket(サードパーティ)ユースチップの主要なメーカー
- 純正品とAftermarket(サードパーティ)品へのスマートチップの影響
Smart chip update
This session will provide a quick update on the use of smart chips in consumable supplies, aftermarket responses to smart chips, the impact on OEM vs. aftermarket share and what we expect to see in the future in terms of the role of smart chips on consumables.
- Use of smart chips in printing devices
- Main suppliers of chips for aftermarket use
- Impact of smart chips on OEM vs. aftermarket
17:25 |
10. |
John Shane, Director, Communication Supplies
このセッションは、北米と西ヨーロッパのサプライ市場におけるもっとも重要な法的問題とその変化について、裁判所決定、環境規制、特許問題、そして現在も係争中のLexmark社とStatic Control社の法廷論争を含めてお伝えします。
- 特許問題
- 環境規制
- 裁判所決定
- Lexmark対Static Controlの最新情報
Update on legal issues
This trend will provide an update on the most important legal issues and changes that are impacting the supplies market in the US and W. Europe including court rulings, green legislation, patent issues and an update on the ongoing legal battle between Lexmark and Static Control.
What important issues on the legal landscape are impacting the market?
- Patent issues
- Green legislation
- Court rulings
- Lexmark vs. Static Control update
17:25 - 17:40 Q&A, Announcement |
Closing - 終了(17:40) |